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Religious Education & SMSC

The RE curriculum is determined by the local Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), which is responsible for producing the locally agreed syllabus for RE. The principle aim of RE in Wiltshire is to engage pupils in enquiring into key questions arising from the study of religion and belief, so as to promote their personal and spiritual development.


As a Church of England Voluntary Aided School we view the teaching and learning of RE as important as English and Maths and to use RE is viewed as a Core subject. Our RE curriculum, as with all our learning at Derry Hill School, is organised into a progression of skills and knowledge, which you can view below. Learning is re-visited to ensure the children are building upon previous learning, and knowledge and skills are embedded.

In order to make RE a lively, active subject we employ a variety of teaching methods including art, music, discussion, the development of thinking skills, ICT, drama, the use of artefacts, pictures, stories, and the use of periods of stillness and reflection. Where possible, we want our children to have opportunities to encounter local faith communities through visits to local places of worship or visitors from members of local faith communities.

The children have many opportunities to explore and deepen our Christian Values within RE, across all their learning and within all areas of school life.


RE is considered a core subject at Derry Hill School. Each term the pupils cover a unit of work, which may be taught every week or as a whole RE day or topic week, depending on what is more appropriate for the children’s learning. We will be supplementing this with a Diversity Day, where other religions are explored at a more in-depth, and age-appropriate, level.

Our Long Term Curriculum plan for RE can be seen below, which shows the religions, themes and concepts covered throughout the year. We use the Understanding Christianity scheme of work, covering all the main Christianity concepts. This is supplemented with Discovery RE, in which we cover a wide range of other world religions. We also ensure the children study a non-religious philosophy of life. Reflection also forms part of our curriculum and provides opportunities for children to have some quiet thinking, reflection time about a bible story, our Christian Values or themselves and their life. Our Religious Education is enhanced by regular visits to our local church for various services throughout the year.

In Religious Education at Derry Hill School we strive towards children being able to:

Develop a knowledge and understanding of Christianity and its impact on our local community, and on our society today

  • Grow in their spiritual development
  • Develop a knowledge and understanding of some of the other principal religious traditions represented in Great Britain and the world today
  • Develop a sense of respect for religious traditions, beliefs and practice
  • Develop a sense of awe and wonder and mystery
  • Develop skills and attitudes which will support their personal, moral, social and cultural development
  • Explore some questions of meaning and consider how the world’s religions have responded to them
  • Think about their own beliefs and values in the light of the beliefs of others, both religious and non-religious, and the values of the school community.


At Derry Hill C of E Primary School you will see:

  • Children who have an enjoyment of RE, and are inquisitive, confidence, creative when learning about Christianity and World Faiths.
  • Children who have a strong awareness of the world around them and are mindful of the beliefs of others.
  • Children who know they are valued as individuals and that their beliefs are valued and celebrated.
  • Children who feel safe to learn new things and share their beliefs with others in an accepting environment.
  • Children who are able to reflect on, and develop their own belief system and nurture their spirituality.

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development)

Celebrating diversity; unlocking the potential

What is SMSC?

SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. All schools in England must provide their children with opportunities to develop their SMSC understanding.

Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Moral: Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views and have an appreciation of British Values.

Social: Investigate and moral issues; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the fundamental values of British democracy.

Cultural: Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

SMSC is usually taught through Religious Education and PSHE lessons.