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Choosing a school which will provide the best education and personal happiness for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent has to make. We are proud to offer a calm and caring environment which will help your child settle in very quickly.  Our staff are dedicated and committed to ensuring each child is supported individually, ensuring they have the opportunity to flourish as they progress through the school. We value the parent/school partnership greatly and encourage your involvement as parents in your child’s learning.

There is so much to think about when choosing a school, hopefully the information on our website can provide you with a clear picture of what is on offer at Derry Hill Primary School.  We welcome prospective families to our school and would be delighted to show you around.

For In Year admissions please contact Mrs Collins or Mrs Norton in our school office on 01249 812139 or email to arrange a visit.

Admission into Reception Class

We operate a one-term entry policy at Derry Hill Primary School. Those children whose fifth birthday falls between 1 September and 31 August start in the previous September. During the previous summer term we invite children to join us for a range of visits before they come to us full time in September. They spend their time getting to know their future teacher, getting accustomed to their new surroundings and meeting their new friends. As a result, we have no tearful faces on the first morning! (Although we do keep tissues handy for parents!). A meeting for new parents is held in the Summer term and the admission procedure is explained in detail to new parents prior to their children starting school. If you are requiring a primary school place in September 2024, visits to our school are warmly welcomed.  Please contact our admin team on 01249 812139 for an appointment. Our team of Early Years professionals ensure that your child will transfer with ease from their pre-school setting to our very welcoming school, through a very effective induction process.

Any child living within the Derry Hill catchment will be allocated a place at the school, providing we are not oversubscribed. We also welcome children from outside our catchment area, and at present a number of children come from the surrounding areas. Any parent or guardian wishing for their child to come to our school should complete an online application.  Where demand for places exceeds the number of places available the over-subscription criteria within our admissions policy will be applied.  Our over-subscription criteria can be found in our admissions policy attached below:

For the related denominations form please see below:

Wiltshire Council process all in year admissions, if you would like to make an application then please use the link below:

Wilthire Council

Applying for a place at Secondary School

Applying for a place at Secondary School
There are four main secondary schools where children from Derry Hill school go on to attend. Please click on the links to explore our feeder schools.


Sheldon School


Abbeyfield School


Hardenhuish School

Kingsbury Green Academy